Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Everything Is Life, Everything Is Love, Not according to Appearances
Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel and St. Joan of Arc on November 19, 2024 to Manuela in Sievernich, Germany

I see a large golden ball of light, accompanied by a small golden ball of light, and a wonderful light shines down on us. The large golden ball of light opens and I see the Holy Archangel Michael. He is dressed in the colors white and gold as a Roman soldier and wears a golden princely crown with a ruby at the front of his crown, as well as a red cloak around his shoulders that looks like a legionnaire's/commander's cloak. He now raises his sword to the heaven and speaks to us:
"Quis ut Deus! May God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit bless you. Amen. Beloved children of God, I am the Holy Archangel Michael. From the throne of the Lord, I hasten to you to give you guidance. I am the warrior of the precious blood of Christ! Take the rain for repentance! Behold, the Lord has already told you that you do not need private revelation to go to heaven if you follow Holy Church, live the words of Holy Scripture and in the sacraments of the Church. You can accept or reject My word, that is up to you. The Eternal Father gave you free will so that you may love Him with all your heart. The Holy Scripture is the Word of the living God and just as God is alive, so is His Word in the Holy Scripture alive and eternal! You are living in the time of tribulation. In this time, the Eternal Father, your living God, allows that Diabolos confuses people and evil is revealed. You are experiencing a triumph of evil. This triumph has not yet reached its climax; but, beloved children of God, this time will soon be over. There will not be an end of the world, but an end of times. This must happen so that everything is purified. What was hidden and corrupt must be revealed so that everything can be purified! Thus I refer to the Holy Scripture."
Above the sword of St. Michael the Archangel, which is pointing up to heaven, I see the Vulgate/Holy Scripture, in a beautiful light. The Holy Scripture opens and I see the Book of Amos 3,7: "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets."
St. Michael the Archangel speaks to us:
"See how important it is for you to know the Holy Scripture so that you may recognize how God acts; how much the Lord loves you and what plan He has for you, for He will not leave you alone. The time of His justice will come; but for those who follow the way of the King of Mercy, who accept His golden scepter and live in the sacraments of His Holy Church, for them this time will remain a time of mercy. How can this be, you ask Me? The Lord always acts according to His Word. This is the Holy Scripture, this is the Word of God. What do you think He will do when He sees you in the wilderness of faith, where there are houses that are indeed painted with the blood of the Lamb; the doorposts look like it. But when you enter this house, you see only your own commandments and idolatry in there. The sacrificial lamb has not been prepared and it must also be eaten."
After a moment of silence, the Holy Archangel Michael continued speaking to us:
"Everything is life, everything is love, not according to outward appearance. That is why it is important that you live the love of God and adorn your hearts with the Precious Blood of Christ. What is the Lord doing now, who has told you that wars, famine, disease and natural disasters will come, that the heavens and the earth will be shaken? Look at what the Lord has done in the Holy Scripture. The Lord is now creating small communities that are loyal to His bride and where the Word of God, the Holy Scripture, the Gospel, is truly lived. This will happen before the great chastisement, so that people can find refuge there. They will find refuge there in their distress. There will be small chastisements and a great chastisement from which you cannot flee. However, you can mitigate it with your sacrifices and prayers, with your repentance, with your life in the Holy Sacraments. That is why I ask you to accept the way of mercy of the Holy Church. This is your salvation!"
Now the small light sphere to the left of Saint Michael the Archangel opens and I see Saint Joan of Arc. She looks radiantly beautiful and is wearing golden armor. She comes to me and carries a red lily blossom. Saint Joan of Arc speaks to us:
"Beloved children of the Lord, remain steadfast, for there will be a triumph of the Infant Jesus and Mary, Mother of God! The time of tribulation is limited. Therefore, look to this time and prepare your hearts! Deus Semper Vincit! Endure everything, do not judge, leave judgment to your Lord and Savior, My King of Mercy and your King of Mercy! Look at the good and blessed things you can do and do not be confused. The wretched one cannot take away your childship to God if you remain faithful and steadfast. Pray very much for peace, pray very much, because you are in great danger! Through your prayer, through your sacrifice, through your conversion, you can mitigate the punishment and wars. Therefore, remain steadfast and pray! Celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for peace in the world! The Precious Blood of My Lord Jesus Christ is your salvation! It is important that you live according to the commandments of God and recognize the importance of the Holy Scripture. You recognize and see in the Holy Scripture how God will act. Remember that God's Word is alive and that you have a living God! Those who have only painted their doorposts with the blood of the Lamb, but do not live by it and follow their own commandment, will crumble to dust. They will have no lasting value, no blessing. But you are not to judge, pray for them and for all people who live far from God! Do not judge, pray! You now know that the Lord gives you places of refuge even in this time of tribulation. So you are blessed with everything you need. It is up to you to live it all, to open your hearts to God and to walk the path of mercy in the sacraments of our living Lord. This is how My Lord protects His sheep!"
Saint Joan of Arc comes closer to me and extends her hand. I am happy to comply with Her request and touch Her hand and the golden breastplate at the place of Her heart.
Then the Holy Archangel Michael speaks to us:
"The saints of heaven touch you and your hearts so that you may remain steadfast and wash your hearts with the precious blood of the Lord. Praise be to Jesus Christ!
The worshippers call out: ”Forever. Amen.”
Then Saint Michael the Archangel asks for the prayer from us and we pray:
"Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio, contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur: tuque, Princeps militiae caelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo, divina virtute in infernum detrude. Amen."
St. Michael the Archangel speaks to us:
"Quis ut Deus! I will remain with you as long as you are faithful and follow the words of the King of Mercy, His Commandments, the Holy Scripture, the teachings of the Church. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit bless you. Amen."
Saint Michael the Archangel and Saint Joan of Arc go back into the light and disappear.
This message is given without prejudice to the judgment of the Roman Catholic Church.
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Please consider the Bible passage Amos 3:7 to the message!
Note: Who was Amos?
Amos (the one carried by YAHWEH / the carrier of burdens) was initially a farmer (cattle and mulberry tree breeder). Then he was called away from his flock by God and became a Jewish prophet of the Old Testament. He came from the town of Tekoa, about 13 km south of Jerusalem. He warned the people of Israel against unrighteous behavior and unfaithfulness, a turning away from God. He also predicted some disasters.
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